Our Vision and Values
Acorn Creek is a supportive community living and sharing together with compassion in service in and beyond our neighborhood.
We come together from diverse backgrounds and a variety of life experiences, but with a common vision of growing in community and supporting one another while striving to live together with compassion, generosity and respect. We also appreciate that our differences bring valuable resources that enhance our experience of living in community, and we value the contribution of every member.
We are committed to establishing a balance between our private lives and our contributions to the common good, thereby creating a beautiful place and supportive community in which to live, share with one another, and be of service in and beyond our neighborhood.

Core Values
In support of our vision, we embrace the following core values:
Collaboration – We seek to include and empower every member of the community, giving each household equal voice through the consensus decision-making process. We maintain an atmosphere of trust and consideration, where all members feel safe, respected and heard. We aspire to draw on everyone’s knowledge and strengths.
Respect & Compassion – We honor and support the dignity and worth of each member of our community, accepting ourselves and each other without judgment. We practice living together with kindness, generosity, empathy and honesty, while growing in our ability to see the gifts in ourselves and each other. We maintain positive relationships with each other in spite of differences of opinion and trust that others’ intentions are good.
Service — We recognize that service gives meaning to life. We strive to serve one another and the local and global community. We seek to promote equity among all people.
Stewardship – Living in community has at its core the concept of taking personal responsibility for making the community work well. We freely give of ourselves, our time and our talents, and offer our resources to limit the need for each household to individually own everything. We are committed to safeguarding the community’s well-being while also caring for the broader community and the physical environment.
Diversity – We welcome individuals, single and partnered, of any ethnicity, age, spiritual beliefs, gender, and sexual orientation and identity.
Joyfulness – We approach the challenges of living and working in community with joy, fun, humor, playfulness and frequent celebrations together.
Sustainability – We strive to use the resources of our community and our planet prudently and to find ways as a community to lighten our imprint on the earth. We reduce, reuse, recycle and renew wherever and whenever possible. We embrace and support nature in our use of the land, providing special places of beauty for inspiration and spiritual reflection.
Privacy & Community — We are responsive to each other’s needs, respecting the balance between privacy and connection with others. The design of our community will enhance personal space, group activities, and neighborhood interaction.